Friday 27 February 2009

Hunger Strikes - greedy RBS fat cat pockets phat pay packet

So, as thousands of his employees fear redundancy and Mister Taxpayer dips into his ever depleting cash pot in order to stump up £24.1billion to cover RBS losses, Fred 'the Shred' Goodwin has decided he deserves to hang on to his £693000 a year pension.

His punishment for his costly mistakes has been to be awarded an early and lucrative retirement. I wish I'd known about this career plan. Fuck up as hard as you can and retire to the Bahamas with a yacht age 25.

Much of the public opinion has been that the Shredder should concede this fortune. The money would make a dent in the debt he has run up and he has 15 working years ahead of him. With such a massive over sight which has become so damaging surely RBS would have justifiable cause for sacking him.

The government finally decided to take action after Fred's refusal to give up any of his pension by starting procedings to halve the total amount awarded to him. However even with this loss he'll still be receiving almost £1000 a day for the rest of his life. And where is this coming from? The same tax money which has just been used to bail him out.

Those who are sympathetic towards Goodwin should think about what he's actually doing to help his situation. He made a massive cock-up and he has the means to make a large gesture of goodwill to his employees and customers by putting some money towards aid. At the moment he is cutting and running and getting rewarded richly to do so.

He isn't single handedly responsible for the mess but at the end of the day, and as was seen in light of the investigation into the death of Baby P, as the person at the top he had the ultimate power and should take responsibility for the mistake.

Presumably he could get by fairly well on the £5.5 he has earned over the past two years.

Even if Shred kept a cushty amount for himself, maybe £100,000 a year, and put the rest towards paying for his mistakes that could amount to £20million.

The ever irking Katie 'will never find gainful employment again' Hopkins was quick to jump to Shreddies defence. What she lacked in supporting argument she made up for in ridiculous-iosity by responding to the point that this pension could end up amounting to tens of millions of pounds that Fred 'could be hit by a bus tomorrow' and the pension be worthless.

This is the kind of response that if deemed acceptable could be utilised in any argument.

FYI there is an age at which the name 'Katie' is no longer acceptable. Being photographed having extramarital sex in a field is not a career or something to be smug about.

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