Thursday 22 October 2009

A recipe for success

I've been deep in investigation over what makes a blog successful. Mine is obviously at one end of the scale - ie noone knows about it. So from here anything so much as a blog being linked to from another is an indicator of a success. There are some really good ideas and general interest blogs out there.

There is also some total shite. So there are blogs out there who are well liked because they are really good (such as Scaryduck) or because the writer is involved with a well loved project (also Scaryduck with b3ta).

But some of it is contrived or just boring bullshit. Some blogs I'll read and then cringe as if I'd written them myself. So at the moment I'd guess:

total time blog has been running + networking + frequency of posting = POPULARITY.

Monday 12 October 2009

I divorce you, I divorce you, I divorce you.

There are a few things that facebook world can do that the real world cannot.

Whilst having a 'discussion' 'with' a Cambridge lecturer about how dangerous the word 'autonomy' may or may not be when repeated 3 times I was made aware of this little foreign - legal gem.

Under the Sharia law which is upheld in Saudi Arabia a man can divorce his wife by saying the phrase 'I divorce you!' three times.

Thus meaning that in April of this year Saudia Arabias first text only divorce was finalised.